Inspired by cults in Israel and the world, this fictional tale tells the exhilarating story of a charismatic mystic healer who lives in Tel Aviv with 20 wives, who birthed him more than 40 children.
Two sisters – Maya, who is already a part of the cult, and Hagar, who is still in high school and living with her parents – become intoxicated with Shabtai, the cult leader. At Shabtai’s insistence, Maya encourages Hagar to come “into the light” and join the cult.
As Hagar journeys into the cult, she begins to reveal the secrets hidden behind the thin veil of ‘New Age-sounding’ religious talk; especially the secret concerning a young girl named Tamar (Emmy Award Nominee, Shira Haas) and her presence in the cult. These secrets shake Hagar as she realizes the extent of Shabtai’s domination, leading her to become the agent of Shabtai’s downfall.
Winner of the Silver Medal, New York Festival
Featured at Series Mania where it was among the International Panorama highlights